Posted in Method of Planning, Planning, Writing

Write Your Guilty Pleasure

You might hear someone talk about their ’guilty pleasures’. These are things one enjoys behind closed doors, because for some crazy reason it’s not seen as a good thing to love a biscuit with your cup of tea, or watch whatever reality TV show that might otherwise be seen as…bad.

By all means, if YOU love it, watch that awful TV show!

But who said pleasure had to be something you should feel guilty for? It’s the same with writing. If you enjoy writing about historical settings specifically in Scotland, or that the main character has a special piece of jewellery, that there’s magic, or vampires, or a convoluted enemies to lovers plot, then why feel guilty about that?

I recently heard about a writing strategy that answers to the pleasures you enjoy in life and if a book (or TV show or movie) has those pleasures you’re more inclined to read it (or watch it).

I was thinking about everything I loved to write about. I started a list of all the things I enjoy, such as world building, choosing character names, and descriptions of food or clothing. I found that top of the list, the one thing I had to absolutely have in my stories above all else, was fantasy. I can’t write without it being there in some way shape or form.

I can’t help but write fantasy

And it doesn’t stop there. I continue to add to this list whenever I’m writing, or reading for that matter. That way if I’m ever stuck for an idea, I can go through my list and find instant inspiration because I know I’ll enjoy writing about it.

Let me know in the comments below what your guilty pleasure is that you no longer have to feel guilty about:


I'm a writer, mother, wife and blogger! I'll be posting about my writing journey, how I'm a 'Patchworker', and will share all the bits and tips I've learned over the years which I hope help other writers too!

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